Deca Durabolin – a brand name company Organon, which preparations contain nandrolone decanoate. And although this substance is found in many preparations, every athlete, when he mentions it, immediately thinks of decadurabolin. Organon began supplying Deca to the market in the early 60’s. It was an injectable drug of various dosages. The most popular packages were 50 mg / ml and 100 mg / ml.
Deca- durabolin is the most common and most used injectable steroid. The addiction to it is explained by the various possibilities of its application and positive results. The main quality of the Soundboard is clearly described in the annotation attached here from Organon GmbH ; “The good anabolic effect of nandrolone decanoate in its positive nitrogen balance.” As described in one of the previous chapters, nitrogen in a bound state is an integral part of the protein.
Deca- Durabolin causes the muscle cell to store more nitrogen than it releases so that a positive nitrogen balance. A positive nitrogen balance equates to muscle growth because the muscle cell in this phase accumulates more protein than usual. The manufacturers themselves indicate in the annotations to their preparations that when they are taken, there will be a positive nitrogen balance and, along with it, a good effect of protein production with a sufficient intake of calories and proteins. You should know this because otherwise you will not achieve satisfactory results.
Strong anabolic effect Deca- Durabolin connects with little androgenic component, Deca provides good growth of muscle mass and strength. At the same time, most athletes have a noticeable accumulation of water in the body, which is not as strong as when taking injectable testosterones, but still leads in high dosages to an elastic and watery appearance. Because Deca accumulates water in the connective tissue, then this drug can relieve or completely eliminate joint pain. Therefore, athletes who complain about pain in the shoulders, elbows, knees, can safely exercise while taking Deca- Durabolin . More details here

Another “pros” is that Deca blocks cartizol receptors and, as a result, less of it gets to muscle cells and connective tissue cells. Athletes use Deca Durabolin to build muscle mass and in preparation for a competition.
Deca is well suited for building muscle mass because promotes protein synthesis and at the same time affects the retention of water in the body. The optimal dosage here is somewhere between 200 and 600 mg per week. Scientific studies have shown that the best results are achieved with 4 mg of the drug per kg of body weight per week.
Anyone who chooses a dosage of less than 200 mg per week will feel only a very weak anabolic effect, which increases significantly with increasing doses. The anabolic and consequent buildup function Deca- Durabolin depends to some extent on dosage, i.e. in the range of 200 – 600 mg per week, the anabolic effect increases almost in direct proportion to the dose. Those who choose a dose over 600 mg per week shift the ratio of positive- negative effects towards side effects.
In addition, the anabolic effect no longer increases in direct proportion to the dose above 600 mg per week, 1000 mg per week will not yield better results than 600 mg. Steroid beginners should be content with a dose of 200 mg per week. For building muscle, Deca works very well with Dianabol and Testosterone. The famous Dianabol- Deka combination provides fast and strong muscle growth.
Most athletes generally take 15-40 mg of Dianabol per day and 200-400 mg of Deca per week. Even faster results are achieved with 400 mg Deca per week and 500 mg Sustanol 250 per week. Athletes report tremendous gains in muscle and strength when taking 400 mg Deca per week, 500 mg Sustanol 250 per week and 30 mg Dianabol per day. Deca is a good base steroid that can be combined with many other steroids to build muscle.

Although Deca Durabolin – not an optimal steroid when preparing for a competition, many athletes also achieve good results during this phase. Because Deca is a long-acting anabolic, there is a risk of excess water accumulation before the competition at a higher dosage.
This problem can be easily avoided by injecting the faster acting Durabolin with its active chemical nandrolone phenylpropionate .
Conversion to estrogen, i.e. aromatization possible when taking Deca- Durabolin but occurs only at a dose of 400 mg per week. Before competitions with doping controls, you should not take Deco, because the decay products of the drug in the body are found in the urine even after months. Those who are not threatened by such controls can use Deco as a base drug with strong anabolic effects in doses of 400 mg per week. Androgens contained in doses of 400 mg per week also help accelerate regeneration .
The risk of water accumulation and aromatization is eliminated by the combined use of Proviron and Nolvadex . Often observed in preparing for competing athletes includes under the title: “Deca- Durabolin 400 mg per week + Winstrol 500 mg per week, Parabolan 228 mg per week, Oxandrolone 25 mg per week.” Although the side effects when taking Deca are relatively small, androgen-related phenomena can still occur at dosages of more than 400 mg per week , which is expressed in an increase in blood pressure, in a slowdown in the process of blood clotting, which can lead to frequent nosebleeds and bleeding long non-healing wounds, and also increased activity of the sebaceous glands and sometimes to progressive acne .
Older athletes talk about headaches and sexual overstimulation . When very high doses over and over extended periods of time in men can be inhibited spermatogenesis, i.e. the testicles will produce less testosterone. The reason is that Deca Durabolin , like almost all steroids, inhibits the release of gonadotropin from the hypophysis .

Women, judging from experience, with a dosage of 200 mg per week, do not have much problem with Deca. At higher doses, androgen- related masculinization phenomena may occur : a decrease in the timbre of the voice (often irreversible), increased hair growth , acne , increased libido, and sometimes clitoral hypertrophy. Women who have problems with subcutaneous Deca Durabolin even at a dose of 50 mg per week may improve your condition by using commonly referred to here faster acting Durabolin .
When a one-two application of 50 mg Durabolin during the unwanted accumulation of androgens is not observed, in contrast to long acting decks. Because most female athletes get on well with Deca Durabolin , they combine it with Oksandropolonom : Deca 50 mg per week – Oksandropolon 10 mg per day.
Both drugs are weakly androgenic at low dosages , so masculinization is rare. Deca, through an increased synthesis of proteins, provides a small increase in muscle, and Oxandrolone, due to an increased synthesis of creatine phosphate, provides an increase in strength with very little water retention. Other common use options for female athletes are Deca + Winstrol tablets or Deca + Primobolan S tablets .
Because Deca- Durabolin has no negative effects on the liver, it can also be used to treat liver diseases. Studies have shown that the combined use of Dianabol and Deca- Durabolin leads to increased secretion of the liver, which is still normal upon discontinuance of Dianabol and further Deca. Even a treatment period Deca Durabolin in a few years does not detect liver damage. Therefore, Deca is well combined with Andriol (240 – 280 mg per day), because Andriol is not excreted from the body through the liver and therefore does not affect liver function. This combination is a favorite of mature and cautious steroid users.